Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cow in the street

As usual. 


  1. Holy cow! Don't get too close to those huge horns. What happens if someone hits a cow in traffic?

    Also, nice bandana.

  2. I was trying to hold out for awhile, but this photo makes me want to hang out in India. It may be too late for this safari, but for your next tour you should just borrow that big-horned beauty and see if they will give you a discount if you provide your own transportation. Don't get me wrong, camels are fun.
    Well...I am at the is 10:44PM and Mom and Dad are in bed...I showed Mom the drawing I made of her head springing out of a wind-up Mom-in-the-box but I do not think she likes it. We built some raised beds for the garden today. Yeah, so life is strange with everyone off exploring and all. Happy new calendar year. I love you, Chance.
