Thursday, December 10, 2009

Living the Life

It's the 10th.  Meaning it is Chances birthday.  We plan on eating dessert.  A lot of dessert.  Other than that we have no other plans.  It is a very fitting celebration for our Rishikesh lifestyle.  We go to bed around 8 or 9 at the latest and wake at 8.  Our typical day goes like this:
The morning sun barely shining over the Himalayas finds its way through our one open window.  Chance is awake before I am, as usual.  I lie, enjoying the warmth of my bag as he sits peeling an orange in our blue room.  Perhaps once a uniform color, it is now faded, leaving a pattern of varying degrees of blues marked by brush strokes.  Bare concrete finds its way through the plaster coat to add more to the rundown look of things.  The room is empty albiet our belongings and a single bed for us to share.  I turn to my left and sit up, finding my sandals waiting just where I left them. The once ornate floor is covered in dirt, yet the greedy pours of the concrete cling so tight, no amount of sweeping could release it.   I reach for my glasses next to my plaster covered journal.

"Oh god.. do I really want to go to yoga?"  I think to myself, contemplating lying back down in the embrace ever so lonely bag, getting cold without my affection.  "You'll have to wait to tonight," I say, stroking it gently.

Well, the hour is up.  Sorry folks.  Maybe I'll continue later.

Anyways, we get up, do an hour and a half of yoga until 9:30, go eat and read and drink chai, return to do more yoga at 5 till 6:30, go back to our restaurant above the Holy Ganga, and eat more.  Then it's bed time.  Mmmmm...gotta love it.


1 comment:

  1. Hope your having a great time... I love love love reading your blogs... I check for them daily as it's neat to hear all your stories. You are a great writer Josh!! Miss you tons!
